Minute to Win It Wiki

Blueprint Description[]

In this challenge, the contestants will square off in the ultimate smackdown! Wielding a pair of wooden spoons, each contestant must hit markers bobbing in water-filled bottles until all ten remain submerged. Gotcha!

Game Description[]

Hit markers in water-filled bottles until they remain submerged.


This game is a level 2 challenge on the regular show and has been used in head-to-head competitions. It has also been played with just one contestant.

Household Items:[]

  • 10 water-filled bottles
  • 2 wooden spoons with circular heads
  • Markers(Sharpie)
  • Table

Set Up:[]

Get a table and put 10 bottles filled with water. Remove the caps. Put one marker in each bottle, and give 2 wooden spoons to the contestant. Once game starts, contestant may start hitting markers.


  1. Bottles must remain submerged for 3 seconds.
  2. The game is over if hands make contact with bottle or maker.
  3. If a bottle tips over, the game is over.
  4. The contestant may only use the head of the spoon to hit the markers.
  5. Contestant may not whack marker and block the opening of the bottle with the wooden spoon.

Tips & Tricks[]

To complete this game, you can try to hit the markers with the head of the spoon as accurately as possible, aiming for the middle of the marker to get it to sink to the bottom of the bottle. You can also try to hit the markers with more force, to make them sink faster. It may also be helpful to try to hit the markers from different angles, such as from the sides or from above, to see which method works best for you. Additionally, you can try to work on your aim and control by practicing hitting stationary markers or other objects before attempting the game.

Heather Whack Attack

Heather goes all out on Whack Attack.
