Minute to Win It Wiki
Flying Gumball Saucers Blueprint

Blueprint Description[]

In this challenge, flying saucers will invade the sixty-second circle. No, not those kinds. These ones. The contestant must slide an inverted plastic saucer, with just enough force, to knock a gumball off a soda can, and land it in the disc. This must be repeated five times.

Game Description[]

Slide inverted frisbees to catch marbles atop soda cans.


This is a level 2 challenge.

Household Items:[]

  • 20 soda cans
  • 20 marbles
  • 20 saucers(frisbees)
  • Foul circle
  • Play area

Set Up:[]

Put a gumball on top of each soda can. Set the frisbees inverted next to the foul circle in a circular pattern.

Tips & Tricks[]

  • Use a soft touch: When sliding the frisbee towards the gumball, try to use a soft touch to minimize the force of the impact. This will help to ensure that the gumball doesn't bounce out of the frisbee after it's been knocked off the soda can.
  • Aim for the edge of the frisbee: Instead of aiming for the center of the gumball, try to aim for the edge of the frisbee. This will help to create a bigger target for the gumball to land in.
  • Practice your aim and sliding technique: As with any skill, practice is key. The more you practice aiming and sliding the frisbee, the better you will become at hitting the gumball on the soda can and landing it in the frisbee.
MTWI 095

A contestant tries her hand at the challenge.
