Minute to Win It Wiki

Minute to Win It - Games - Iron Board Man

Blueprint Description[]

In this challenge, the contestants will play as a team, and face off against Minute To Win It's newest nemesis, Iron Board Man. The dynamic duo must maneuver opposite ends of an ironing board in an attempt to land a single marble on one of three designated holes. Although no ironing may be performed, this challenge does require teamwork, communication, and a steady hand.

Game Description[]

Maneuver opposite ends of an ironing board in an attempt to land a marble in one of three designated holes.


This is a level 6 team challenge.

Household Items:[]

Set Up:[]

Prior to game start, players stand in designated start zones with their hands holding the board with a marble preloaded on the ironing board. Once the clock starts, players may place their hands on the sides of the ironing board behind the designated zone and will begin rolling the marble down the board by tilting the board.


1. If a marble falls off of the board at any time, the player must re-use marble or pick up another marble and place it in the start zone before attempting the game again.

2. Only one marble may be on the board at a time.

3. To complete the game, player must get one marble from the start position to one of the 3 end positions at the middle of the ironing board as described above within the 60-second time limit.

Tips & Tricks[]

  • Communicate: Good communication is key to this game. Make sure to talk to your partner about your movements and the direction that you want to go in.
  • Use small movements: Instead of making large movements with the ironing board, try to use small, subtle movements to guide and nudge the marble towards the designated holes. This will help you maintain control and increase your chances of success.
  • Work as a team: Make sure to work as a team with your partner. This means coordinating your movements and focusing on getting the marble to the designated holes together.
  • Keep your hands steady: It's important to keep your hands steady when holding the ironing board. This will help you maintain control and increase your accuracy.

It could be helpful for one partner to keep the ironing board steady while the other partner tries to guide the marble towards the designated holes. This can help ensure that the ironing board remains stable and doesn't tilt too much, which could cause the marble to fall off. However, it's also important for both partners to work together and coordinate their movements in order to successfully guide the marble to the designated holes. It may take some practice and experimentation to find the best approach for your team, but with enough communication and coordination, you should be able to successfully guide the marble to the designated holes.

If you're getting close to winning, make sure to do this:

  • Change the angle of the ironing board: Depending on the position of the marble, you may be able to change the angle of the ironing board slightly to guide the marble towards the designated holes. Experiment with different angles to see what works best.
  • Apply more or less pressure: Depending on the distance of the marble from the designated holes, you may need to apply more or less pressure to the ironing board to guide the marble towards the holes. Experiment with different levels of pressure to see what works best.
  • Change the position of your hands: Depending on the position of the marble and the designated holes, you may be able to increase your chances of success by changing the position of your hands on the ironing board. Experiment with different hand positions to see what works best.

If it's tilting, try this:

  • Balance the weight on the ironing board: Make sure that you and your partner are evenly distributing your weight on the ironing board. This will help prevent the board from tilting too much in one direction.
  • Use counteracting movements: If the ironing board is tilting in one direction, you and your partner can try using counteracting movements to stabilize it. For example, if the board is tilting to the left, one partner can try tilting the board slightly to the right while the other partner tilts it slightly to the left. This can help balance the board and prevent it from tilting too much in one direction.
  • Use your hands to stabilize the board: Depending on the position of the marble and the designated holes, you may be able to use your hands to stabilize the ironing board. For example, if the board is tilting to the left, you can try placing your hands on the right side of the board to balance it.

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Alia and Chelsea handle Iron Board Man.
